Our Attorneys Prosecute Fraud, Hate,
& Corruption®

Our Attorneys Prosecute Fraud, Hate, & Corruption®

Akeel & Valentine, PLC, is one of the nation’s leading law firms for litigating employment, civil rights, class action, fraud, qui tam and whistleblower cases.

Attorneys Shereef Akeel and Glenn Valentine
From our offices in the Detroit area, we serve clients nationwide.

Areas of Practice

Civil Rights
Civil Rights
Class Actions
Class Actions
False Claims Act / QUI Tam
False Claims Act / Qui Tam
Medicare / Medicaid Fraud
Medicare / Medicaid Fraud
Pharmaceutical Fraud
Pharmaceutical Fraud

At Akeel & Valentine, PLC, We Believe Justice Is Worth Fighting For

The mission of Akeel & Valentine, PLC, is to combat fraud, hate, and corruption™ in all its forms. We have the courage, tenacity, and skill needed to seek justice against powerful entities nationwide.

Photo of Professional at Akeel & Valentine ,PLC | Attorneys & Counselors at Law

False Claims Act /
Qui Tam Cases

Every year, unscrupulous individuals try to defraud the government. These are not victimless crimes. The guilty parties often prey upon vulnerable people.

At Akeel & Valentine, PLC, we believe this behavior is wrong, and we work hard to combat it. Our lawyers have vast experience handling False Claims Act and qui tam cases. We can help you understand how to move forward with what you know regarding the wrongdoing of others.

Our Attorneys Stand With Whistleblowers

Whistleblowers play a crucial role in our society. They expose fraud and protect the lives, health and safety of thousands of people. Whistleblowers shed light on fraud in all its manifestations, including pharmaceutical fraud and Medicare/Medicaid fraud. 

But many pitfalls exist for whistleblowers, and the information they possess can be lost without the help and guidance of an experienced whistleblower attorney. Our whistleblower attorneys at Akeel & Valentine, PLC have the knowledge that is needed to expose wrongdoing and protect whistleblowers from retaliation.

And Class Actions

Employment and class action litigation require passionate lawyers who understand the complexities of these types of cases.

Using the Sherman Employment Act, the Clayton Act and the Federal Trade Commission Act, our lawyers help protect consumers and the public from the unethical and predatory behavior of businesses and corporations. In our class actions practice, we work with clients and other law firms to seek justice on a large scale.

Our Lawyers Operate In A Unique Space Of The Legal World

At Akeel & Valentine, PLC, we handle cases that combat fraud, hate, and corruption™. Examples of our cases include:
  • A qui tam case filed against auto insurance companies that alleges they illegally stuck consumers with billions of dollars of health care costs
  • A consumer-protection Employment case against a pharmaceutical company that conspired to keep prices high and take advantage of consumers
  • A case against Detroit-area doctors who intentionally profited from the opioid crisis

If you need a law firm that is ready and willing to help you, contact us today.